Assistant Superintendent of Elementary
Curriculum & Instruction
K-12 Science Instructional Materials Adoption Overview:
Public access to student K-5 materials can be found at
McGraw-Hill, Florida Science (2025) 1st Edition
Username: Sci4FL_K5student
Password: FLpotential23!
Middle School
Florida Savvas Science Explorations ©2025, Comprehensive
Florida Savvas Science Explorations ©2025, Comprehensive 1, Advanced
Florida Savvas Science Explorations ©2025, Comprehensive 2
Florida Savvas Science Explorations ©2025, Comprehensive 2, Advanced
Florida Savvas Science Explorations ©2025, Comprehensive 3
Florida Savvas Science Explorations ©2025, Comprehensive 3, Advanced
High School
Florida Miller & Levine Experience Biology ©2025
Florida Miller & Levine Experience Biology ©2025, Honors
Florida Experience Chemistry ©2025
Florida Experience Chemistry ©2025, Honors 1
Florida Experience Chemistry ©2025, Honors 2
Florida Experience Physics ©2025
Florida Experience Physics ©2025, Honors 1
Florida Experience Physics ©2025, Honors 2
Florida Environmental Science, Your World Your Turn ©2025
High School Anatomy & Physiology :McGraw-Hill LLC: Florida Hole's Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology (2025) 2nd Edition
High School Earth Space Science: McGraw-Hill LLC: Florida Science, Earth and Space Science (2024) 1st Edition
High School Physical Science: McGraw-Hill LLC: Florida Science, Physical Science (2025) 1st Edition
Student Access
Grade 9-12
Username: Sci4FL_HSstudent
Student Password: FLpotential23!
**Instructional materials adopted and used in the District shall be consistent with the goals and objectives in the District's adopted course of study and with the course descriptions established by State Board rule. Upon written request, an individual will be provided access to materials or books specified in the written request that are maintained in a District library if such material or books are available for review. The school principals shall arrange for a convenient time to provide such access in accordance with School Board Policy po2520.
*This section complies with Sections 1014.05(1)(b), 1014.05(1)(c), and 1014.05(1)(f)(6), Florida Statutes. **
If you wish to report an accessibility issue, have questions or need assistance, please contact the webmaster at the following link: Click here to email webmaster.