Dual Enrollment Opportunity for APHS students

Get a head start on your career path with dual enrollment!

The Highlands Career Institute at South Florida State College is a dual enrollment program available at the SFSC Highlands Campus in Avon Park for students enrolled with the Highlands County School District. Student will spend half of their day in high school classes in Building L on the SFSC campus. The other half of the day, they will attend collegelevel classes alongside other college students. The Career Institute is a great way for students to get a jumpstart on an occupational or college credit certificate while they also complete the requirements for a high school diploma.

Eligibility Requirements:

To be eligible for the Highlands Career Institute, you must be entering the 10th, 11th, or 12th grade. The program requires a one-year commitment from the student and parent. Applicants must meet the following requirements:

โ€ข Cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher

โ€ข Be on pace to graduate on time with your peers

โ€ข Demonstrate excellent school attendance and discipline

โ€ข Show proficiency in successfully passing Florida State Assessments

Programs available to Highlands Career Institute Students:

Automotive Service Technology

โˆ™ Automotive Collision Technology

Medical Assisting

โˆ™ Medical Administrative Specialist

Office Administrative Specialist

โˆ™ Culinary and Hospitality

Heating, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration

โˆ™ Mechatronics

Electrical Lineworker

โˆ™ 911 Dispatch Operator

โˆ™ Drafting

Ready to take the next step on your career path?

Visit our website at hci.highlands.k12.fl.us for more information and to complete an application.