volunteer of the year
Kindergarten Teachers
‘s Let’s Raise Some Dough!! CTE 5th Grade students are selling Krispy Kreme doughnuts and coffee  to raise money for their 5th Grade end of the year field trip!  Sales are from now until February 12th.  See a 5th grader to place your order. One Dozen Glazed $13 Coffee $12
Thank You Mr. AcunA
Cracker trail elementary yearbook 24/25 Presale $20 pre-sale starts January-March 16 2025. Yearbook cost after March 16th will be $25.  Questions? Please contact 863-4741-5777
Calendar Update
The Hoedown is here! See you Thursday evening! 🐴 Hoedown Schedule of Events  5:00- Hoedown Begins, Yee-Haw! 5:30- Mountain Dew Cloggers 5:45- Du Dancers 6:15- Mountain Dew Cloggers 6:50- Hoedown Throwdown Dance 6:55- Classroom Door Decor Winner Announced 6:58- KISS THE PIG! 7:00- Thank you for coming! Drive Safe  Map attached
Students at Veteran's day parade
special Veterans Day music program to honor those of us who have served and continue to serve provided by the students of Cracker Trail Elementary School.eterans DayVHONORING ALL WHO SERVEDCRACKER TRAIL ELEMENTARYPRESENTSWith special guests, VFW 4300 Honor Guard andHighlands County Superintendent Dr. Brenda LongshoreIF YOU WOULD LIKE FOR US TO RECOGNIZE AVETERAN WHO WILL BE IN ATTENDANCE, PLEASEEITHER CALL CTE AT 863.471.5777 OR SCAN THE QRCODE TO THE RIGHT AND COMPLETE THE FORMVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV CRACKER TRAIL ELEMENTARYSCHOOL | 8200 SPARTA ROAD,SEBRING, FL 33875 | PROGRAMSTARTS AT 9AM@ 9:00AM
October Students of the Month
Red Ribbon Week Flyer
Teacher of the year graphic
Congratulations Hadley Thomas, our safety patrol of the month text with picture of student with principal
Boy and girl holding certificate
Dear Mustang Parents & Caregivers, As we settle into the school year, I want to take a moment to celebrate the incredible progress our students have made so far. It has been truly heartwarming to see their enthusiasm for learning and the hard work they’ve put into their studies. Their resilience and dedication shine through, and I couldn’t be prouder of our school’s accomplishments. First and foremost, I want to remind you about our upcoming parent-teacher conferences during the week of October 21-25. This is a valuable opportunity for you to connect with your child’s teacher, discuss their progress, and collaborate on ways to support their learning. Your involvement makes a significant difference in your child’s education, and we encourage you to attend. In addition to conferences, our annual Character Parade will be the culminating activity for Red Ribbon Week and take place at 8:30 am on Friday, October 25. We invite all students to dress up following the guidelines in this letter. It’s always a joy to see the imaginative costumes and to witness our students’ enthusiasm as they showcase their costumes! Parents, caregivers, and guests are welcome to attend. Visitors will be required to sign in at one of our side gates before entering campus. After a tremendously successful return last year our famous HoeDown is scheduled for next month. Save the Date for Thursday, November 7 from 5 to 7 PM. Our PTO and staff have been working hard to top last year. Thank you to everyone involved in the planning. More information will be shared closer to the event. It is my hope Cracker Trail Elementary will continue to blaze a trail others will follow - we will do so with the help of our students, staff, and extended family. Keep doing your BEST!!   Sincerely, Mr. Rick Kogelschatz —Principal  Fall Character Parade On October 25th we will have our annual character parade. This year we have a few changes Students will have the opportunity to dress up as their favorite character however, it does not have to be a book character. The following guidelines are to help you decide how/if your child will participate. Included are both School Board of Highlands County Dress Code and Student Code of Conduct Items. Please carefully read these guidelines. Costume Guidelines *Minimal Makeup	*No low cut or transparent clothing *No weapons	* No shorts or dresses above mid-thigh *No midriffs are to be exposed	* Shoes must be closed toe ( No Heels) *Undergarments must not be visible	* No Choker or wallet chains or chain belts *No Fake Blood	*Important* Please send your child in their costume and with extra clothes to change into after the parade.