Teacher Appreciation Week

Greetings Mustang Parents,

As Teacher Appreciation Week approaches, your CTE Mustang PTO is gearing up for a week-long celebration from May 6th to 10th, and we need your support!

Look out for a flyer coming home on Monday, April 29th, detailing daily suggestions on how your child(ren) can join in the festivities.

Our dedicated teachers and staff will be treated to a daily meal, and we've secured discounted services from local businesses. However, we still need some supplies to ensure the week is a resounding success. If you're able to contribute, please use the SignUp Genius link to help complete our supply list.

We kindly request that all donations be sent to the front office by April 26th.

Should you have any inquiries, feel free to reach out to us at ctemustangpto@gmail.com.

Thank you for your ongoing support!